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Addictive Behaviours Coaching


Do you have clients who are locked in unhelpful or addictive habits and behaviours? Perhaps they are addicted to their smart phone, drinking too much, smoking, shopping or overworking ? They could be experiencing burnout for parental or caring roles, be overwhelmed professionals, simply clients who, for some reason are not meeting their goals? In our fast-paced world, we need new tools to cope and thrive. If you are interested in learning cutting edge, evidence-based tools to support your clients and grow your practice, then this ground-breaking new approach is for you. Whether working with individuals or groups this course will give you an insight into addictive behav-iours, habit change, a deep understanding of how to work with stress and, and provide you with a toolkit of science-based, healthy coping strategies to enable your clients to create and sustain change.

“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” - Lao Tzu
Image of student on zoom call Join Addictive Behaviour coach Kate Bailey
Image of student on zoom call Join Addictive Behaviour coach Mandy Manners
“In a world where more of us are struggling with anxiety and stress, and many of us forming addictive behaviours to cope, or numb out, this is a course has arrived just in time to help. Any coach wanting to support their clients transform their lives, manage stress, anxiety, addictive behaviours of all kinds, book a place now. It’s a brilliant course, led by two exceptional people.” - Clare Richmond
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27 Hours

In this course you will acquire skills and understanding about:

  • Why we form habits.
  • How these may become addictive behaviours.
  • How to empower change.
  • How to make change sustainable in the long term.

Devised using evidence based scientific and holistic methodologies including:

  • Neuroscience and habit change methodology
  • Positive psychology and The Science of Happiness
  • The neurobiology of stress .
  • Addiction and trauma recovery
  • Life Coaching

This course will enable you to help clients reach their full potential and live happier more balanced lives.

“Kate and Mandy have absolutely blown me away, not only in their delivery of the Addictive Behaviours Coaching programme, but also in terms of the amount of work and research that has gone into it.” - Nikki

Why is Addictive Behaviour Coaching Relevant Right Now?

In our fast-paced, high reward, high dopamine fueled world, we are becoming increasingly prone to addictive behaviours and are living in a state of high arousal and chronic stress.

Where there is stress there are unhealthy coping strategies. Be it reaching for a glass of wine at the end of the day, scrolling on dating Apps, eBay shopping or gaming, in this era of unprecedented stress and the trappings of quick fixes and technology people are increasingly developing problem-atic and addictive habitual behaviours. This course will show you how to help your clients recognise and change those addictive habits and return to balance and wellbeing. With increasing awareness of these challenges, it is more important than ever to work with early stages of addictive behaviours and to help clients sustain change long term and this course is targeted specifically at those areas.

“I would recommend this course to anyone even remotely interested in this area. I have come away full of excitement for my future coaching, and I am already using some of the tools and practices we learnt in my own life. There aren’t enough stars available to review just how good this course is.” - Sarah Newlands

Will It Suit You?

This new approach to working with addictive behaviours and habits has been designed to arm coaches with a vast resource bank of techniques along with the knowledge they need to be a lead-ing light in this field. This programme will give you the essential foundations required to build a new type of toolkit which will enable you to unlock the next layer of potential for your clients.

This course is experiential and practical, arming you with all the skills to start working in this area. Afterwards, access to our Alumni Community provides you with continued support and a network for your ongoing development in this important area of coaching.

It can be used:

  • 1-2-1 or in groups with clients who are seeking behavioural change in addictive behaviours
  • As a training to build awareness in business or in individuals
  • Your own personal development.

As mental health, corporate social responsibility and wellbeing are all key areas for growth in coaching. This course will be an excellent and valuable asset to your practice.

Work or Success Addiction

Business owners and entrepreneurs on work and/or success addiction.

Technology/Phone Addiction

Young people and parents trying to navigate technology addiction.

Parental Pressures

Parents trying to juggle children, careers and the external pressures of life through the lens of social media and perfectionism.

Grey Area Drinking

This emerging term defines the very common use of alcohol being used habitually as a stress reliever or treat. This is a powerful area in which coaching can help clients who have identified having a problematic relationship with alcohol to develop healthy coping strategies and change their habits and behaviour.

Low self-worth, motivation or purpose

As this course draws from the Science of Happiness and Positive Psychology it will to enable individuals find a path to a more meaningful life. We focus on intentional living to find greater balance and calm and to work in alignment with their values and goals in a sustainable way.

Problematic relationships with people, places or things.

Individuals who find themselves in a toxic relationship with a substance, person, thing or behaviour and this destructive repetitive habit brings them shame and unhappiness and they want to break out of these cycles.

Coping with Impactful Life Experiences

Individuals dealing with limiting beliefs or after difficult and trying times such as grief, job loss or an impactful or traumatic experience.

What will you learn

Live online interactive training with our industry experts, jam-packed with coaching models and tools that will be transformational for both you and your clients.

To achieve your certificate you will need to complete;

  • A Coaching Academy Learning Record Sheet for each live accelerator day showing the use of the core competencies and tools (the Core Competencies will be shared in your training materials and by your trainers).
  • A multiple-choice test based on the core competencies of the training
  • Carry out a 15-30minute professional discussion with one of the trainers on a given topic to describe how you would put your newly learnt skills into action with your clients.

Full details and support will be given with your training materials and also by your trainers.

An overview of the course

Module 1

Session 1

  • The Neuroscience of Addictive habits
  • Understanding the biology of the brain in relation to habits and triggers
  • Exploring the dopamine loop and how addictive behaviours develop

Session 2

  • Supporting Habit Change
  • Skills and models of habit change in action
  • Working with the right and left side of the brain to develop neuroplasticity
Module 2

Session 3

  • Behavioural Triggers
  • Underlying causes and factors in addictive behaviours (including Attachment Theory, Discrimina-tion, Trauma and Neurodiversity)
  • Working with boundaries

Session 4

  • Motivation for Change
  • Practical tools to support clients where they’re at in the Change Cycle
Module 3

Session 5

  • Knowledge into Practice – Part One
  • Practice in contracting, introduction and building rapport

Session 6

  • Knowledge into Practice – Part Two
  • Coaching practice with Goal setting and habit change
Module 4

Session 7

  • Working with the Nervous System and Stress
  • Polyvagal Theory and the stress response
  • Tools for grounding, centering and orienting clients to cope better

Session 8

  • BALANCE resources for wellbeing – Part One
  • Holistic models for wellbeing and practical resources to help maintain habit change
Module 5

Session 9

  • BALANCE resources for wellbeing – Part Two
  • Further resources, tools and techniques to support sustainable habit change.

Session 10

  • Signposting and Safeguarding
  • Understanding scope of practice, useful resources for signposting and safeguarding clients

Mentor session 1

  • Finding your niche and developing your message

Mentor session 2

  • ICF Core competencies and assessment preparation practice.
Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5

Session 1

  • The Neuroscience of Addictive habits
  • Understanding the biology of the brain in relation to habits and triggers
  • Exploring the dopamine loop and how addictive behaviours develop

Session 2

  • Supporting Habit Change
  • Skills and models of habit change in action
  • Working with the right and left side of the brain to develop neuroplasticity

Session 3

  • Behavioural Triggers
  • Underlying causes and factors in addictive behaviours (including Attachment Theory, Discrimina-tion, Trauma and Neurodiversity)
  • Working with boundaries

Session 4

  • Motivation for Change
  • Practical tools to support clients where they’re at in the Change Cycle

Session 5

  • Knowledge into Practice – Part One
  • Practice in contracting, introduction and building rapport

Session 6

  • Knowledge into Practice – Part Two
  • Coaching practice with Goal setting and habit change

Session 7

  • Working with the Nervous System and Stress
  • Polyvagal Theory and the stress response
  • Tools for grounding, centering and orienting clients to cope better

Session 8

  • BALANCE resources for wellbeing – Part One
  • Holistic models for wellbeing and practical resources to help maintain habit change

Session 9

  • BALANCE resources for wellbeing – Part Two
  • Further resources, tools and techniques to support sustainable habit change.

Session 10

  • Signposting and Safeguarding
  • Understanding scope of practice, useful resources for signposting and safeguarding clients

Mentor session 1

  • Finding your niche and developing your message

Mentor session 2

  • ICF Core competencies and assessment preparation practice.

Join this ground-breaking course and start making a difference to people’s lives today.

If you are a qualified coach or coach in training and want to build your business or add to your exist-ing skills with new tools, mastering the art of addictive behaviours coaching will definitely be for you.

Add specialist tools to your repertoire and support your clients/patients achieve success.With 10 live, interactive, virtual training sessions along with the bonus of 2 Group Mentoring Ses-sions, this unique course allows you to qualify as a Specialist Habit Change Coach.

Schedule your personal consultation

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