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Six Key Reasons To Train With The Coaching Academy

We asked our graduates why they had decided to train with The Coaching Academy, and they came back with six key responses. Perhaps some of these ideas ring a bell with you?

1. Ethical Standards

Just as in the field of counselling, coaching remains an unregulated profession, and with no internationally agreed regulatory body in place in this comparatively new discipline, The Coaching Academy has taken the lead in establishing an ethical framework within which the profession can develop. All coaches qualifying with The Coaching Academy are asked to join with our tutors, staff and associates in subscribing to our Code of Conduct – key points that guide all our activities.

The Coaching Academy’s Code of Conduct

All staff, tutors, graduates, associates, members, fellows and licencees of The Coaching Academy must agree to follow this code of professional conduct:

  • Always conduct themselves to the highest level of ethics, integrity, accountability and responsibility.
  • Treat all clients and potential clients with absolute dignity, confidentiality and respect as free and equal individuals.
  • Maintain the good reputation of the profession in general and The Coaching Academy in particular.
  • Respect the absolute right of the client’s confidentiality except as expressly permitted by the client or potential client in writing or as required by law.
  • Recommend different coaches or resources when these will be more appropriate to the client’s needs.
  • Refrain from offering professional information or advice that they know to be confidential, misleading or where the accuracy is beyond their competence to assess.
  • Endeavour to enhance public understanding and acceptance of professional coaching.
  • Share skills and experience with fellow members and associates of The Coaching Academy to further increase the body of knowledge, skills and competencies of such parties.

To download a copy of The Coaching Academy's Code of Ethics, please click here.

2. Quality of the trainers

If you want to train to be a coach, the best people to learn from are those who are already successfully coaching. Our team of trainers all run successful businesses as personal and business coaches. Our trainers include some of the best coaches in the UK – which means they can act as great role models for your own future practice. Some of the coaches you will meet when training with us first encountered The Coaching Academy as curious delegates on our Introduction to Life Coaching training. Perhaps like you they wondered if coaching could give them impetus in finding a whole new personal and professional life. Now they run coaching businesses with clients across the world. Why not follow the same path?

3. Quality of the training

If you are looking for a cutting-edge qualification that is internationally recognised as the gold standard, our diplomas are just what you are looking for. Stand out as a professional coach with a professional qualification. We have been training coaches for over 20 years and in that time our courses have developed and evolved to meet the needs of coaching both today and in the future. We are very proud of the fact that we are constantly looking at the coaching profession keeping abreast of current trends, and also looking at how we can offer our training in new and dynamic ways.

Our training is successful for many reasons, including the quality of the materials, the ongoing support you receive while you train, the motivational live online training you will attend and the welcoming community of fellow students and coaches you will join. Our training courses have been developed in consultation with professional coaches and students of coaching and we are convinced they are the best available anywhere.

4. Depth of knowledge and experience

Our students know that a diploma from The Coaching Academy is not an entry level qualification. Anyone who has attended our free Introduction To Life Coaching training will understand that they have dipped a toe in the waters of coaching but no more. In terms of your development as a coach there is no substitute for the in-depth training offered by our Life Coaching Diploma, or one of our other diploma courses. It simply isn’t possible to meaningfully train as a coach just from reading a book, no matter what some might suggest. Our model of training is a mixture of live study, live assessed coaching, as well as home study. You gain real hands-on experience of coaching as you train. The depth of knowledge you will gain on our diploma courses means your professional ability will stand up to the closest scrutiny from any future potential client. You will be the best possible personal coach because you have studied in a way that immersed you in the subject. If you want to simply read a book and then tell yourself you are a coach, that’s fine. But you will be cheating yourself – and crucially you will be cheating your clients too.

5. A serious educational investment

Clients are prepared to pay significant professional fees to the right coach. But for that money they expect to meet a coach who has invested more than a couple of hours in their own education. Taking an entry-level course in coaching is simply not going to cut it in the professional world. When dealing with a coach, professional clients expect to meet someone who has done more than merely scratch the surface of the coaching discipline. When someone decides to undergo professional training as a coach, they are opening up a whole new personal and professional world. As a coach you become one of a few professionals who can command high fees, work internationally (virtually from your home office if you wish) and still achieve a work/life balance. Our students agree with The Coaching Academy’s philosophy that the benefits of training as a professional coach are such that investing seriously in this education is 100% worthwhile.

6. Personal reward

The financial rewards of working as a performance coach can be considerable but The Coaching Academy and its students know that the personal benefits are even more significant. You have the freedom to work whenever you want to, wherever you want and with whoever you want. You can work face-to-face or over the telephone, you can travel or stay at home, you can work with one client at a time or many. Ultimately you are in charge of your own destiny. And what’s more you can help shape the futures of your clients in a positive way too. You really can turn your passion for people into your profession. We believe you will never find a more satisfying career. Our coaches report that when they help others to improve their lives their own personal success blossoms too.