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Using the Johari Window As A Coach

12:00pm on Tuesday 12th of March 2024

Join your host Sharon Lawton for another Coaching Conversation with Katy Mason, TCA Trainer and Corporate Executive Coach to discuss the use of the Johari Window as a coach.

The Johari Window is a model used in the development of self-awareness and the importance of sharing information with others in the form of feedback to support their development in raising awareness of any blind spots . When our blind spots are opened to us, we grow and increase our own personal arena, when done well this builds trusted relationships and elevates confidence and increases vulnerability, which then allows us to revel more about ourselves and grow.  

In this coaching conversation, you will learn tools to:

  • Share your own strengths with others in a way to feel proud
  • Allow yourself to assess the size of your own personal arena and identify what you may like to share with others from your Façade.
  • Learn how to feel more confident in embracing your own vulnerability and think about what skills you will need to develop to  further expand your arena 
  • Understand the importance of asking others for feedback, so that you can uncover your own personal blind spots
  • Consider what important feedback is required to give to others to help them increase the size of their own arena
  • Support and challenge others to embrace vulnerability, to help them grow and feel more confident. 


Katy is a member of The Coaching Academy’s training team and has received her 5-year mentoring loyalty award last year. One of Katy’s favourite quotes is “There is always Anotherway!”

, and owner of Anotherway Coaching.

By expanding our own personal arena, it will lead to the greatest opportunities for personal growth, and who would not want this? 

In this session, Katy will share her own journey and explain how she came to love this model and how she has enjoyed sharing it with others over the last 10 years. 


Enter your details below to join us on Tuesday!