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How Does Coaching Actually Work?

12:00pm on Tuesday 13th of June 2023

Ever wondered how coaching actually works? This is the “big question” on the minds of coaching experts and researchers in the coaching world at the moment.  

Join your host Sharon Lawton for another Coaching Conversation with Tia Moin, PhD Student, the School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences, University of Reading.

In this coaching conversation Tia Moin PhD Student, The University of Reading will share information about how you can be part of this fantastic research project and large-scale study on what forms defines “good” coaching and coaching effectiveness shape the future of coaching and how it “works”.

Over 20 years of research tell us that coaching works in helping people to develop and achieve goals. However, what we don’t know for sure is exactly how coaching works. This makes it difficult to evaluate what good coaching is or isn’t, and how to support people to grow into amazing coaches. Join us on 13th June and find out how you can contribute.

 Tuesday 13th June at 12 noon. 

Enter your details below to join us on Tuesday!