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Coach In The Spotlight: Charles Odia

The Coaching Academy Blog

Posted: December 2022

We are pleased to be featuring Charles Odia as our Coach in the Spotlight in this week’s blog.   Charles is a Coaching Academy qualified coach, NLP Trainer, NLP Business Master Practitioner, NLP Business Coach and Clinical Hypnotherapist. He specialises in helping high-performance individuals transition to the next level in all aspects of their life.


What has led you to coaching?   

I want to empower myself so I can help my clients empower themselves from their own inner resources and strengths. To be able to support people in a proper way and to enhance my skills.  

Most people become a coach to change the lives of others, how has coaching benefited your own life?   

The benefit of coaching for me has been great, now I have a holistic approach to my life through self-coaching, and the ability to have clarity and balance in my life.

How did the qualification slot in with your busy life?

It was easy to arrange the agenda ahead as I knew in advance what needed to be done, how and when. 

What was the most rewarding part of your Coaching journey?

Having the flexibility to set my agenda ahead and having the ability to take responsibility for what and how I want to make the journey rewarding.  The transformation I have not only had myself, but being able to support my clients to achieve their goals, self-discovery, development and seeing the results in my clients.  I learnt a lot from the Accelerator Sessions, however, the most rewarding were the Practical Assessments because I could see how much I had learnt and what were my skill gaps.

Tell us about the work you do! How are you using your coaching skills? 

I am helping high-performance individuals transition to the next level in all aspects of their life.  Using coaching and NLP to act as the catalyst to empower them, to have more clarity and find inner resources and move them through the missing links or gaps.   Through their self-development and challenging their map of the world as well.  Coaching skills have made it easy to serve as a sounding board, as a medium of transition without judgement and as a safe space for all.

What’s the biggest area in coaching you are curious about and why?

The biggest areas of curiosity for me are the effective power of questioning and active listening.    Using both these soft skills you can get into the inner world of someone and compare it with what is happening in the outside world.  Helping someone to get clarity, challenging what is holding someone back, connecting them to all resources at reach, and having self-empower to get a clear reality and connect to the main purpose or clear intentions. 

What advice would you give someone wanting to pursue a life coaching career? 

My advice will be to have a clearly defined purpose as this will direct your attention, and as with any skill it needs constant practice.   Having the flexibility to move at your pace and trusting in the process if you want to pursue a life coaching career. Ask yourself what is your intention, connect with your vision of being a coach and with your ‘Why’.

What are the best resources that have helped you along your coach training journey? 

The flexibility, the materials from the coaching academy, self-determination, and discipline to push through. Having good mentors along the way to support me.   Books and researching where necessary.

Thank you Charles for sharing your coaching journey with us!

If you are feeling inspired and would you like to have a coaching business you can run from the comfort of your own home, then do join us on our Introduction to Life Coaching webinar - choose from available dates here.   

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The Coaching Academy was established in 1999, and is now the world's largest coaching school.

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We are accredited by the International Coach Federation and the Association for Coaching, and we're rated 4.8 out of 5 on Trustpilot.

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