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Our Life Coaching Certificate - Online Course

Available in the USA

Become a Certified Life Coach with The Coaching Academy - established over 20 years ago, we're the UK's largest life coach training school.

With 7 highly interactive modules, over 30 hours of video content, several practical assessments, 25 hours of live online workshops and audio guides - our content rich online life coaching course allows you to qualify as a certified life coach in the comfort of your own home.

Image of student on zoom call When you enrol on our online life coaching certificate, you will experience our easy to navigate training system with progress charts for each module, easy to pause and return to.
Image of student on zoom call Study in the comfort of your own home to become a professional, Certified Life Coach.
Image of student on zoom call Our modules are all broken down into bitesize chunks, so you canwork at your own pace anywhere in the world.
Image of student on zoom call When you enrol on our online life coaching certificate, you will experience our easy to navigate training system with progress charts for each module, easy to pause and return to.
Image of student on zoom call Study in the comfort of your own home to become a professional, Certified Life Coach.
Image of student on zoom call Our modules are all broken down into bitesize chunks, so you canwork at your own pace anywhere in the world.

Are you ready for change?

Our content rich online coaching qualification has been available to our students in the USA, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and Countries across the length and breadth of Europe for the last two years. Frequently updated and constantly accessed by those wishing to learn our time-tested coaching techniques online.

This is the very first time, our online coaching qualification has been available throughout the UK and Ireland.

Now you can study from home to work from home

The opportunity to study in the comfort of your own home to become a professional, Certified Life Coach has arrived.

If you would like to harness the power of coaching to make a positive a lasting difference to those you interact with you now can by enrolling on our Life Coach Certificate Programme - Online.

Once trained and working with your clients, you will come to understand that you now have the opportunity to work as a full or part time coach from home if you would like to.

Most coaching nowadays takes place by Skype, Zoom, phone and is seldom face to face which we predict will be the 'new normal' once we as a nation emerge from our current situation.

There really couldn't be a better time to learn to be a Life Coach.

The Coaching Academy Life Coach Certificate is home study but not alone study. You will have access to a wealth of content and interactive live online workshops as we guide you through your qualification step by step.

What you Will Learn

Over 25 hours of training through recorded live online workshops to enhance your learning.

7 unique modules

Over 40 tools, techniques and coaching models all with clear guidance on how to use within the coaching context

Over 30 hours of training video content

Easy to navigate system with a progress charts for each module and a simple tick system to mark a section as complete, to easily pause and return to the last place you got to.

Our modules are all broken down into bitesize chunks to be able to pick up and put down depending on how much time you have to dedicate, so you can work at your own pace.

Consider this

Making a difference

You can make a living by making a positive, lasting difference to others.

Learn powerful skills

You can learn and access powerful skills and strategies to help people right now.

Help others

Help others move from uncertainty to certainty with a positive future plan.

Online Coaching

Most coaching sessions now take place via Skype, Zoom, phone and Facebook.

Zero Travel

You can work with more clients per day as no traveling is involved.

Flexible Income

You can have a flexible income with flexible hours.

Full or Part Time

You can coach on a part or full time basis.

Worldwide Reach

Your clients can be anywhere in the world.

Minimal Costs

No office costs, and no commuting costs.




Life Coaching Certificate - Online Course

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